CANELa is Growing!

Nicholas Zervoudis, Peter Tancini and Isadora Carnaval join our lab as undergraduate researchers! Welcome guys!

New PhD Student!

Michael Taylor joins our lab as a PhD student! Welcome Michael!

Hot Article!

Our recent publication “Catalysis at the Sub-Nanoscale: Complex CO Oxidation Chemistry on a Few Au Atoms” is featured on the cover of issue 1 of the Catalysis Science and Technology journal and has been selected as a “hot article”!!The manuscript appears online here.

Cover Feature!

Our group in collaboration with researchers from the University College London (UK) and the University of Delaware publishes the article “Catalysis at the Sub-Nanoscale: Complex CO Oxidation Chemistry on a Few Au Atoms” by Nikbin N., Austin N., Vlachos D.G., Stamatakis M., Mpourmpakis G. in the Catalysis Science and Technology! This manuscript will be featured as a cover of issue 1 of the journal (year 2015)!!

AICHe 2014

Our group was represented in the AIChE 2014 conference (Atlanta GA, Nov 16-21, 2014) by the following contributions: Talk: Adsorption on Metal Nanoparticles: Size and Shape Matters (Presenter: Natalie Austin) Talk: Structure-Activity Relationships for the Conversion of Biomass Derived Alcohols to Chemicals (presenter: Pavlo Kostetskyy) Poster: “Understanding the Early Stages of Metal Nanoparticle Growth Using Density Functional Theory Calculations (Presenter: Olabobola Shobayo (UMBC)) Session Chair: Computational Catalysis IV (Chair: Giannis Mpourmpakis) Congratulations to all of you for the very nice presentations!

Pavlo Makes the Cover!

The Catalysis Science & Technology journal features our recent Structure-Activity Relationships on Metal-Oxides: Alcohol Dehydration on its cover!

Natalie Publishes!

Natalie just published her first first-author publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C entitled “Understanding the Stability, Electronic, and Adsorption Properties of Sub-nanometer Group XI Monometallic and Bimetallic Catalysts”!! Congratulations Natalie!!

Grant Awarded from Pitt

The Office of Research and the Research Council of the University of Pittsburgh funded our small grant application (Central Research Development Funds) to investigate novel methane conversion pathways! (Budget: $16,000)

Congratulations Pavlo!

Pavlo Kostetskyy publishes his first first-author publication!! The manuscript entitled Structure-Activity Relationships on Metal-Oxides: Alcohol Dehydration is published in the Catalysis Science & Technology Journal. This is a collaborative work between our lab and Ray Gortes lab at UPenn. Congratulations Pavlo!!